Check this page weekly to see the status of your bouquet:
on the press= your flowers are on the press drying
off the press= your flowers are off the press and waiting for their turn to be reconstructed & color enhanced
reconstructing= we are reconstructing & color enhancing your flowers
designing= we are designing your pressed flower frame proof
awaiting proof approval= we are waiting for you to request changes or approve your design prior to framing it
framing= we are dusting your frame and attaching the backing (its almost ready!)
ready for pickup= come get ya frame!
on hold= we've sent you an email we need a response to prior to moving forward
spring 2024
kara k. | awaiting proof approval meagan t. | framing bailey z. | framing
alyssa c. | ready for pickup emily j. | ready for pickup madison l. | framing mackenzie l. | ready for pick up paige f. | ready for pick up jessa j. | ready for pick up kassidy w. | framing amy d. | framing abbey p. | framing kylie a. | ready for pick up nicole j. | color enhancement suzy h. | color enhancement whitney p. | awaiting proof approval jourdan a. | color enhancement jenny K. | designing courtney p. | designing logan m. | color enhancement abby h. | color enhancement erica d. | color enhancement katherine k. | framing anna g.h. | designing addison d. | ready for pick up Kaitlyn l. | color enhancement jane p. | color enhancement alisha c. | reconstructing
I will do my best to update this list every monday. please email me with any questions!
kensley h. | off press morgan p. | off press bethany s. | off press morgan b. | off press hillary c. | off press sarah p. | off press
victoria l. | off press makenna h. | off press meg a. | off press cali j.c. | off press micaiah v. | off press holly w. | off press jadyn g. | off press kassidy o. | on press vanessa c. | on press lauren l. | on press andrea e. | on press jessica k. | on press delaney s. | on press megan g. | on press claire b. | on press hannah c. | on press nicola m. | on press madison f. | on press ashley H. | on press
dominic & tyler | on press mary p. | on press delaney j. | on press mckenna v. | on press emma s. | on press Jennifer c. | on press maddie w. | on press kate b. | on press lilly o. | on press katie l. | on press lilly s. | on press catie d. | on press brinn h. | on press caitlyn d. | on press cassie b. | on press rachel r. | ON PRESS kaSSIE J. | ON PRESS JENNA F. | ON PRESS ZOE U. | ON PRESS STEPHANIE H. | ON PRESS Anna w. | on press keely r. | on press kailey r. | on press kogan m. | on press
Riley k. | on press kati k. | on press chelsi j. | on press katlyn r. | on press natalie b. | On press kaitlyn p. | on press will s. | on press jordan d. | on press samantha c. | on press stephanie v. | on press shannon s. | on press jade p. | on press Madeline c. | on press michaela e. | on press kailey c. | on press hope w. | Melissa d. | jordan k. | carly i. | MORGAN H. | taylor b. |